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The CBTA Moduls in Detail!

ICAO Doc 10147 (Guidance on a Competency-based Approach to Dangerous Goods Training and Assessment) describes recommended knowledge and task lists for well-defined roles.

On this basis, the German Federal Aviation Office (LBA) has published Modules A to T for dangerous goods training according to CBTA.

Module   Role
(former TC)
A Personnel responsible for preparing of dangerous goods consignments (sippers) (1)
B Personnel responsible for packing of dangerous goods consignments (packers) (2)
Freight forwarders   
C Personnel responsible for processing dangerous goods consignments (air freight forwarder) (3)
D Personnel responsible for processing goods presented as general cargo (air freight forwarder without dangerous goods) (4)
E Personnel responsible for handling, storage and loading and unloading of cargo or mail (freight forwarding handling) (5)
Operators and ground handling agents
F Personnel responsible for accepting dangerous goods consignments (6)
G Personnel responsible for processing and/or accepting goods presented as general cargo (without dangerous goods) (7)
H Personnel responsible for handling, storage and loading and unloading of baggage, and cargo or mail (including dangerous goods) (8)
I Personnel responsible for handling passenger and crew members (9)
J Flight crew (10)
K Flight operations officers and flight dispatchers (10)
L Personnel responsible for the planning of aircraft loading (10)
M Personnel responsible for coordinating aircraft loading (ramp agent) (10)
N Cabin crew (11)
Security agents
O Personnel responsible for the screening of passengers and crew and their baggage, and cargo or mail (12)
Operators „No Carry“
P Personnel responsible for processing and/or accepting goods presented as general cargo (without dangerous goods) (13)
Q Personnel responsible for handling, storage and loading and unloading of baggage, and cargo or mail (without dangerous goods) (14)
R Personnel responsible for handling passenger and crew members (for operators not carrying dangerous goods as cargo or mail – „No Carry”) (15)
S Flight crew, flight operations officers and flight dispatchers, load planning and coordinating aircraft loading (ramp agent) (for operators not carrying dangerous goods as cargo or mail – „No Carry”) (16)
T Cabin crew (for operators not carrying dangerous goods as cargo or mail – „No Carry”) (17)


  1. Each employee may be responsible for a mixture of tasks or be responsible for more than one role (if applicable).
  2. Alternatively, employers may individually name a training needs analysis for each employee, describing the training needs for certain job functions. For this purpose, an individual „Training Needs Analysis” must be created.